Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

TEDx Speaker: From 4 Hospitalisations to Mental Health Advocate! | Shocka | Voice #62

In this groundbreaking interview with Shocka, a rapper and mental health advocate, we explore the raw truths about overcoming adversity and destigmatising mental health. Delve into Shocka's personal journey from his early life in Tottenham's Broadwater Farm to being sectioned four times, to ultimately becoming a voice for mental health awareness.


In this groundbreaking interview with Shocka, a rapper and mental health advocate, we explore the raw truths about overcoming adversity and destigmatising mental health. Delve into Shocka's personal journey from his early life in Tottenham's Broadwater Farm to being sectioned four times, to ultimately becoming a voice for mental health awareness. This Interview Is For You If:

✅ You're an individual or artist who's faced mental health struggles and is seeking inspiration for recovery.

✅ You're interested in the intersection between music and social advocacy.

✅ You want to understand the resilience it takes to bounce back from extreme lows in life.

✅ You're passionate about learning how to channel life's challenges into impactful narratives for change.


About Shocka:

Shocka is not just a rapper; he's a fighter who has faced the grim realities of mental health head-on, undergoing multiple hospitalisations before finding his feet again. With his involvement in renowned Grime collective Marvell and an impactful solo career, Shocka made a drastic shift from the stage to the podium, becoming a TEDx speaker and a voice for mental health. Known for tracks that emphasize self-love and emotional resilience, as well as his public speaking on sensitive subjects, Shocka is a powerful figure you need to know if you're invested in societal change through personal stories.


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Our mission at 1000 Voices is to empower a generation of black British changemakers, one voice at a time. Our vision is to create a world where the voices of black British changemakers are celebrated and empowered, creating a ripple effect that drives systemic change, inspires leadership, and fosters a community of equality, understanding, and respect. If you're a Black British social entrepreneur or changemaker ready to drive change, we welcome you to join us at www.patreon.com/1000Voices. 


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